For a long time we didn’t have any specific programme for children, even though there was a great need for it; children kept coming to the school, mainly for group studies; we tried to help them, also through the assistance of some catholic youth, but without a constant programme. In March 2011 Sr Eileen Mc Grath, FMM, who was involved in education in the Yendi Diocese and has been transferred to Accra, offered her service for the education of the children of the City of God.

She has done a great job combing the area getting in contact with children not going to school and their parents/guardians, and then running classes for them with the aim of preparing them for the insertion in the formal education, with the help of local teachers. With thanksgiving we are seeing the first fruits of their work, with 18 children inserted in the formal education and many more coming.

Classes start at 9.00am and dose at 2.00pm. From 4:00pm to 6:00pm we offer the possibility of studies to school children; one of our volunteers, Rudolph, now in formation with the Redemptorists. Put good foundations to this programme. At the moment we make available and sponsor one teacher. With 2013 Bro Joseph Contessi, OFMConv, has started to come with Nicholas, a volunteer from St Francis of Assisi Rectorate, to come and help in organizing a programme for children.